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How long will it take to apply eyelash extensions and how is it done?
Lashes are applied while you are lying down with your eyes closed in a cozy, warm spa bed. This beauty rest can take about 1.5 hours for a full set, and depending on the set of lashes you desire. After cleaning and priming your lashes, your bottom lashes are protected with an anti-aging eye pad or medical tape and then lash extensions are applied 1-to-1 with medical-adhesive. It is a very relaxing, non-invasive procedure and most clients fall asleep! 

How long do eyelash extensions last?
Eyelash extensions can last up to 6 weeks when properly cared for. However they are no longer full at 6 weeks. Therefore fill are recommended to keep your lashes full. The extensions will shed with the natural growth cycle of your own lashes. If you choose to get touch-ups in between they will last as long as you continue to fill them in.


How often should I get touch-ups?
We recommend getting a touch up every 3 to 4 weeks. If you wait too long your eyelash extensions will fall out and you will require a full set. Other factors such as exposure to steam, humidity or touching your eyes a lot may cause the extensions to fall sooner. Touch-ups can take anywhere from 45 - 60 minutes, depending on how long you wait between appointments. During your touch-up appointment, we will remove make-up residue, remove grown-out extensions, prime your lashes and apply extensions to new lash growth. A good indicator of when you might feel you are ready for a refill is when you are almost 50 percent empty or anything more than that may resort in extra charges as your refill will take up much more time.


I'm a bride-to-be or going on vacation, when is the best time to book an appointment?

If you've never had eyelash extensions applied before then we recommend booking a full-set 2 weeks before your wedding date or departure date at the latest. And then to book a fill 1 or 2 days before the date. This will allow time to experiment with different lashes, learn proper aftercare and ensure there are no allergies to the product. Booking a month in advance plus 2 fills before the date would be an ideal situation.


Can I apply mascara to eyelash extensions?

Yes, it must however only be water based mascara. DO NOT USE OIL-BASED OR WATER-PROOF MASCARA. Waterproof mascara or any type of oil based mascara can dissolve the bonding agent and shorten the life of your eyelash extensions causing them to fall sooner. Care also needs to be taken in washing off the mascara. Only use a water based eye makeup remover. Dior lashes sells a volumizing water based mascara and oil free makeup remover.


I have sensitivities to makeup and/or other beauty products/services, can I still have an eyelash service done?

If you have any eye sensitivities we do recommend you to book an appointment for a 'Patch Test' first. During this appointment we will have a consultation with you and apply a small amount of product to your eyelashes or sensitive skin to test whether you are a good candidate for the service.


Can I swim, shower, exercise, or visit a spa while wearing eyelash extensions?

Yes. The bonding agent we use is waterproof and allows you to shower, swim, exercise etc. Special care is required but overall maintenance is low. We do recommend however that you do not wash your eye area for at least 24 hours after the eyelash application.


Can I use eyelash curlers with eyelash extensions?

We do not recommend using mechanical eyelash curlers on your eyelash extensions as these curlers will damage the extensions and possibly your own natural lashes. The extensions do have a natural curl but if more of a curl is required we recommend using a heated eyelash curler which we carry here at Dior Lashes.


Is there anything I should do to prepare for my appointment?

Yes! Try your best to arrive without any eye makeup. This will minimize the cleanup time and allow more time for applying the extensions. You will need to keep your lashes dry for 24 hours after the application so it's also a good idea to have your hair washed the day of or night before.


How do I take care of my new eyelash extensions?

As mentioned in Love your lashes these steps are highly recommended

  • Do not get lashes wet for at least 24 hours

  • Use oil-free eye makeup remover

  • Avoid hot steam or sauna (minimize hot yoga)

  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach to avoid pressure on the extensions

  • Avoid running water directly on your lashes

  • Do not rub, pick or pull your eyes

  • Only use water based mascara (optional). If applying mascara, do so from middle to tip avoiding the root area.

  • Do not use a mechanical eyelash curler

Who should NOT wear eyelash extensions?

  • Have pre-existing eyelid or eye conditions such as ocular rosacea

  • Are very rough with themselves and do not want to follow after care instructions

  • Want a very heavy mascara look but do not have the natural lashes to support it

  • Have a condition called Trichotillomania, which is compulsive pulling or twisting of hair or eyelashes

  • Are in chlorinated water many times a week

  • Cannot control rubbing their eyes

  • Its also tough to give somebody a certain look or style if you are not a person with very many lashes to begin with, as we need a lash to bond a lash










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